Theoreo Medical SERVICE


We are happy to announce that on 03/27/2023 at our office at 57 Lucania Street, Pontecagnano Faiano, there will be an open day with free examinations, entirely dedicated to women's prevention.
They will be carried out free of charge with prior reservation:
✓ Visit with Dr. Luigi Cremone, a breast surgeon. An appointment for a mammography examination, also free of charge, will also be provided for women who have received doubtful or unfavorable results from the breast evaluation, on a date to be arranged at the office of Diagnostica Cavallo of Drs. Armando and Pierpaolo Cavallo.
✓ Visit with Dr. Valentina Reina, a medical doctor specializing in Aesthetic Medicine, for the prevention and treatment of skin blemishes and skin damage caused by solar radiation.
✓ Nutritional counseling with Dr. Chiara D'Antonio, a nutrition biologist, in which an assessment of the patient's physical and nutritional status will be carried out with the aim of identifying any unhealthy eating habits and re-educating or rehabilitating the patient nutritionally and dietarily.
✓ MEDEA test, an innovative screening system for endometrial cancer, developed by Theoreo srl in collaboration with the G. Pascale Cancer Institute and the University of Salerno. The test consists of taking a single drop of blood by digital puncture. The sample will undergo metabolomic analysis in order to identify patients with the disease early. The above test is dedicated to women over the age of 50.
The event will be sponsored by the Municipality of Pontecagnano Faiano as part of the series "Beyond March 8, Variations on the Theme," in which Theoreo stands at the forefront of offering direct support to the community by taking care of those who have always been its pillars: women.
You can also make reservations by phone: +39 334 1921903 or by email by contacting
We are waiting for you!
Your health, our mission.