
Theoreo has developed a noninvasive diagnostic test for prenatal diagnosis (NIPD). This test called M.A.MA Test (Metabolomics Approach for MAlformation) is based on bioinformatic analysis, by means of classification models and machine learning, of the metabolome extracted from a single drop of maten blood. It is therefore a noninvasive and safe method for both the mother and her baby.
The test is currently covered by national Italian and international patents.
The MAMA Test has been validated on a large cohort of pregnant women, and the first reuslts of this clinical trial have been published in the prestigious American journal of Obstetric and Gynecology (AJOG).

Theoreo is active in the field of oncology. It has developed a diagnostic test for endometrial carcinoma, one of the most dreaded malignancies affecting women. The test is based on an innovative ensemble machine learning approach powered by a deep metabolomic profiling of a single drop of blood.
The test is currently covered by national Italian and international patents.
Theoreo researchers have published several papers in international scientific journals supporting the robustness of this approach. Recently, with the support of the Lega Italia per la lotta contro i tumori (LILT), the MEDEA Test underwent a large clinical trial to verify its clinical applicability. The results were reported in the prestigious journal JAMA Network Open.

Theoreo represents the last M of the CD-GEMM project (Celiac Disease - Genetic Environmental Microbiome and Metabolomic Study).
With CD-GEMM we plan to follow the evolution of the intestinal microbiota in children at risk of developing celiac disease.
Objectives of the study are:
A) Study prospectively the changes in the microbiota and faecal metabolome in relation to the maternal fecal microbiota and the infant feeding pattern (breastfeeding, artificial feeding, introduction of complementary feeding).
B) To study blood levels of zonulin in relation to age, infant feeding methods and intestinal microbiota.
C) Identify any environmental factors (infections, use of antibiotics, number of cohabitants in the family, presence of domestic animals) associated with the development of celiac disease (assessed in terms of positivization of anti-transglutaminase anti-IgG and anti-gliadin IgA and IgG ).

Theoreo srl has developed a non-invasive diagnostic test for prenatal diagnosis (NIPD). This test is called M.A.MA Test (Metabolomics Approach for MAlformation) and is based on bioinformatic analysis, by means of classification models and machine learning of the Metabolome retrieved from a single drop of maternal blood. It is therefore a non-invasive method and safe for mother and fetus. This test is currently patent pending and Theoreo srl is conducting a trial to validate the test according to the strictest international standards.