
The METABOPREP kits, produced by Theoreo (spin-off business of the University of Salerno), and distributed by HOSMOTIC s.r.l., are the best allies for those who wish to perform METABOLOMICS, because they allow metabolome extraction from any biological sample and make it suitable for mass iphenated chromatographic analysis.
Metabolomics is, at the moment, one of the most interesting approaches, appealing to an increasing number of researchers, who satisfactorily and successfully implement it to their field(s) of investigation. Metabolomics belongs to the cluster of “omic” sciences and represents its most recent development, with several potentialities. Indeed, the metabolomic analysis and interpretation of the set of metabolites in a number of samples allows to highlight the differentiation parameters and the discriminating molecules resulting from the metabolic changes occurring in the samples. The resulting METABOLOME is the most complete information on the state of the sample when it is analyzed. This approach stems from the concept of “omic cascade”, according to which information gets concentrated as it moves from precursor genes of all biological functions.

Metabolomics represents the best “snap-shot” of the synergic effects between genetic and environmental factors acting on the sample

The METABOPREP kits for metabolome extraction have been conceived in order to make metabolomics suitable for everybody and to allow to easily extend its applicability to any field of biological, chemical, pharmacological research, until the most complex medical investigations.

The METABOPREP kits allow a simple, fast and effective extraction of the set of metabolites from any sample type, for any application.
Any previously stocked and/or analyzed sample, regardless of its nature, still has a high potential to be expressed and investigated using the innovative metabolomic approach.

Any idea concerning screening, diagnosis, investigation and identification can be realized with a unique effectiveness, thanks to the innovative METABOPREP approach at your fingertips. You can also take advantage of our experts’ assistance and support, who have worked and published with metabolomics for many years in several research fields, and who can continuously, in person or online, help you in any phase of your project.
The strength of this approach will allow you to easily publish in all the major scientific fields, as the increasing number of metabolomics papers published on journals with high impact factor shows.

Our METABOPREP kits are available in 2 versions in order to satisfy any demand and possibility:
-GC-METABOPREP: for metabolomic analyses in gas chromatography- MS, containing supplement for silanization.
-LC-METABOPREP: for metabolomic analyses in liquid chromatography- MS, containing supplement for eluents.
You can either choose the chromatographic technique you are most familiar with or use both of them in order to make your multivariate approach more effective and complete.
The kit obviates any pre-treatment previous to injection. Every lot undergoes randomized and homogeneous controls in order to guarantee an identical extraction performance. All reactives are of the purest quality available in commerce, in order to conform to any detector (single quadrupole, triple quadrupole, qTOF, orbitrap and FTMS).

The METABOPREP KITS limit the number of extraction steps to the fundamental ones, in order to minimize information losses and contaminations. Beside the practical instructions that you will find together with the kit, every step is described in detail in the guide you will have access to after purchase. The guide is divided into three chapters:
Metabolome acquisition
Dataset building and interpretation
Metabolic map building
As it is highlighted by its subdivision, the guide is a complete tool that will help you both in the analytical and in the computer step, with the use of free and simple software. Out team of qualified experts, with a long-time experience in metabolomics and bioinformatics, is available to support you from the study design to the multivariate analysis, giving their help in all the analytical steps aimed at obtaining concrete results.
Se hai un'idea e vuoi verificarene l'applicabilità potrai richiedere un consulto gratuito con i nostri esperti ed un Kit MetaboPrep in Omaggio.